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Details to be paid attention to during harness installation

Category:Industry News     Publish:2022-08-22 15:52:37     View:609

At present, industrial wire and harness are mainly used for medical treatment, automobile and security Financial equipment, etc. customers need to consider some details in the installation process to avoid bad electrical performance and avoid unnecessary safety accidents:

1. In order to prevent the terminal from being dragged or the wire harness and contact from being pressed, the wire harness must keep a certain sag;

2. The harness must be installed along the wire end;

3. There shall be no twisted wire harness or bent to an acute angle;

4. The harness shall not be placed near the heating element;

5. The harness shall not be installed beyond the top of the part;

6. Power line and signal line cannot be installed in parallel;

7. After the terminal is welded, the contact shall not be bent;

8. The wiring distance is short;

9. Wiring shall be at right angles at corners;

10. A sufficient number of sagging wire harness must be provided at the contact with the terminal to prevent the tension of the contact unit and the wire harness connector.
