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What should I do if the USB data cable is oxidized?

Category:Industry News     Publish:2022-06-06 14:00:04     View:409

1. Repeatedly insert the flash memory into the USB HUB or USB extension cable that is not connected to the computer, make friction between the flash memory connectors to remove the oxide layer, and then blow off the oxide layer powder with a mouth or a skin tiger.

2. Use an eraser to cut into a patch shape and wipe the metal sheet.

3. Clean the interface: Use a piece of slightly hard paper, fold it several times into strips, then extend it into the USB interface, and move the contacts of the USB interface with a little force left and right.

4. Wipe the joint with a cotton swab dipped in anhydrous alcohol and dry it.

If the above methods cannot solve the problem, it is recommended to go to a professional maintenance department for overhaul.